Whose slave are you?

V Región, Chile

I promise violence!” another, “you Christians preach hate, there is no love in you at all!”

I’d heard enough.

Was I wrong? 

Were my words doing more good than harm?

Was I exposing myself and my loved ones to harm by doing what I felt God wanted out of me?

When the hypothetical becomes your reality

I thought, this is something that can be very dangerous for me…

A thousand-and-one “what if’s?”

What if I continue to write things people hate me for? If someone finds where I live? If they come in the night and set my house on fire? Or find one of my kids walking down the street alone? Or recognize me out to eat with my family? 

What might happen?

I questioned myself

Is this what God has called me to do? Am I sure of what he wants? Am I worthy?

Romans 8:16-17 We must share in his sufferings.

If we don’t suffer, at least somewhat for the sake of Christ we should ask the Holy Spirit to convict us in our walk.

I froze Up

The enemy need not drop us to our knees with a hard right hook… just the threat of a knock out will keep most out of the fight. 

Yep, I am, or should I say, I was THAT guy. I didn’t want to continue, and I didn’t for a very long time. 

I went more than a year and a half without writing. One. Single. Word.

It paralyzed me.

I became a slave to fear

Have you been there?

That moment when you see the bully and your bowels pucker in fright?

You run as fast as your legs allow with your tail stuck between.

What happens when you run away?

You give up. Yes, but you get to live another day, right? But are you living? I think not. They call this mere survival.

You’ve become a servant to the fear before you.

A slave to a calling again?

This was me. But not anymore. 

With the strength of the Lord, I am back.

Better than ever? I pray so.

Cue the original Survivor song from Rocky 2

Everyone gets knocked down. Most don’t get up. Today I am back on my feet. 

I got the “Eye of the Tiger” so to speak.

I embraced it. But first it chose me. God offered it to me all along.

Now, I determine that no matter what, I will write and share what God is showing me. Because in the words of Apollo Creed from the famous movie Rocky III, “There is no tomorrow”.

Maybe no one will read it, they might scorn me for it as they have all along or I could die for it. Only God knows. But I am in His hands.

Today, I become a servant to God’s call on my life and no longer a slave to fear.

Are you a slave to fear? Tell us about it in the comments section below.



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D.T. Carter writes about what he is living while translating that into stories for boys and blog post. He has been married since 2003 to Carolina. Together they have two boys and a girl. His writing strives to be Christ-centered and help all parents instill in boys a love for being boys who will one day become strong men.

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