My 3-year-old son started singing like a girl!

From a reader of my book, “I’m a Boy! Discovering your identity”

Hi Donald, 

My name is Carlos and my 3-year-old son saw a scene from the Disney movie, “Encanto” where the girl sings the song, “We Don’t Talk About Bruno”. We kept putting it on for him because he liked it, but then he behaved like the girl in the song and couldn’t stop singing as if it were a virus that infected his brain. I recently bought your book, and we have been using it to reaffirm his identity.

I wish I could say this is the only email I’ve got like this, but it isn’t.

Over the past few years since I published, I’m a Boy! in Spanish, and now in English, there have been many.

John 10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

Friends, the devil is hard at work to get our kids and I believe, especially…. our little boys.

One way he is busiest is with Children’s media. 

If you aren’t actively involved in what the little ones closest to you are seeing on TV, iPads, or cell phones, NOW, more than ever, is the time to be intrusive.

Get involved!

According to a 2017 article from, 1 in 3 parents have no idea what their kids are seeing online. It has to be much worse now in 2022.

Is our children’s sexual identity worthwhile enough for us to get more involved? To not only know what they are viewing, but to control it? Or even talk about it?

In “I’m a Boy” there is a scene where 7-year-old Gabriel is crying because he can’t get a song from a princess movie out of his head.

Later, in another scene, his daddy lovingly leads him through it.

There are so many situations like these where our society tries to steal our kids it is crazy!

Being able to discuss moments like these are key to ushering our kids into a healthy sexual identity.

You can get, I’m a Boy!” Discovering your identity today for just 99 cents on amazon.

Check it out here if you are interested.

Have a great day!

Donald T. Carter



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D.T. Carter writes about what he is living while translating that into stories for boys and blog post. He has been married since 2003 to Carolina. Together they have two boys and a girl. His writing strives to be Christ-centered and help all parents instill in boys a love for being boys who will one day become strong men.

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