My mom hates my books!

Since I am in the US until the middle of July, I have been staying at my mom’s house.

It has been a great! But, it’s had its moments too. 

Like just yesterday when 3 of my print books arrived at her house on the amazon truck.

Guess who wants to read them? Yes! My 81-year-old mother. I cringed! 

So she gets them and sits down to read, “The Weenie Book”, “The Weenie Book Pee Pee Guide”, and “I’m a Boy!” I tried not to seem too interested in what she thought, even so, I was. Isn’t that sad?

A 47-year-old man who wants his mommy to say good things about what he has created? For a moment, I felt like a 4-year-old bringing home a piece of artwork I made in preschool and hoping my mommy would pin it up on the fridge with a magnet.

But… It wasn’t to be. 

She quickly flipped through the pages of the 1st, 2nd, and finally finished the 3rd. I was on pins and needles. What would she say? Would she like them? 
I waited and… NOTHING! 

She had nothing to say. If you know her, that is her way of being polite when she doesn’t like something.

I was a disappointed but not surprised. How was my mom going to like that I wrote a book about a boy and his penis?? For her, I am sure, there can’t be too much more disgusting than that as an extremely conservative, 81-year-old grandma. I should have known better. You know, some have said to me, “You should know better than to put yourself out there like that in the world by publishing those books! Why would you ever consider doing that?” 

Well, the short answer is: when I look at what society is trying to do to our little boys, even my little boys… I couldn’t NOT write what I have written and published what I have published. (more on this later) And so it is… you’re reading this because you were interested in something I wrote and got on my email list. 

So, if you still have that interest, you can now, for a short time, pick up my newest book “I’m a Boy: Discovering your Identity” for just 99 cents.  Maybe you too will be like my mom and hate it. Or, just maybe, like 100’s of other moms, dads, grandparents, uncles and whoever else is reading it to their young boys, you will love it! 

Maybe, you will write to me and tell me (just like the others) that you really enjoyed it and have been able to use it to teach a young boy to be confident and happy that if God gave him a penis, then that means He created him to be a boy. (in spite of what society is trying to tell him) 

Finally, regardless of whether you like it or love it, don’t be like my mom.

Write me and let me know your thoughts. You might even consider sharing the link with your friends and family.

They might want to write to me too. Haha! (Here’s the link)  

Have a great day! 



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D.T. Carter writes about what he is living while translating that into stories for boys and blog post. He has been married since 2003 to Carolina. Together they have two boys and a girl. His writing strives to be Christ-centered and help all parents instill in boys a love for being boys who will one day become strong men.

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