Star Wars Pee Pee Light Sabers

The year was something like 1979…

The anticipation was more than a five-year-old could bear…

A re-release of Star Wars was about to be shown, and I would be watching it for the first time with my two cousins, my brother, and my Uncle Gary. Anxiously, I waited for the curtains to be drawn back.

Cue the epic soundtrack: Da Da Da Da Da Duh Da Duh Da Duh Da

And just like that, I was hooked. And so began a love for a movie series that has lasted for more than thirty-six years.

But it wasn’t enough for my cousins, brother, and me to merely watch Obi Wan and Darth Vader battle it out on the big screen with the light sabers. No! We wanted our own battles. Of course since light sabers had yet to be invented (can someone get on that, please?), these battles typically played out in the back yard with sticks and branches or in the bathroom while we were standing at the toilet doing our business.

Pee Pee Light Saber Battles

If your kids haven’t seen Star Wars, then maybe the idea of pee pee weapons came about after they watched The Pirates of the Caribbean or some other action-filled adventure movie.  My oldest boy didn’t even have to see a movie.  He just happened to see his daddy urinating one day, and what I believe to be his God-given instinct drew him to want to do what he saw his daddy doing.

Standing beside me, he began to pee in the toilet too.  Next thing I knew, he was clashing his pee stream up against mine. Admittedly, I felt a little uncomfortable at first, but what was I to do?  I couldn´t stop mid-stream and scold him, so I just played along. It was all fun and games until he got carried away and missed the toilet.

My sock never saw it coming.

In that moment I was instantly transported back to the first time I played Pee Pee Light Sabers as a boy. My cousin Doug had gone for the kill, missed, and ended up peeing on my socks.

This was a semi-repressed memory until the moment it happened again with my son. I’m pretty sure this explains the reason why I hate wet socks so much to this day!  Thanks a lot, Doug!

Now, some of you are probably thinking, “You can’t talk about that stuff!” while others might be thinking, “That’s gross. Kids shouldn’t be doing that!”

Well, I am not a child psychologist, but I believe that it IS normal, so why shouldn’t I talk about it?

Lessons from Down Under

I know there are some moms out there who don’t want to read about this, and maybe even a few dads as well, but you know what?  If you haven’t already seen this kind of thing happening with your son(s), you either will soon or it’s probably already going on when you are out of sight.

So what can you and I learn from Pee Pee Light Sabers?

Well, I don´t think there is some big life lesson to be learned here other than the need for parents to relax and let boys do things that are natural to boys. I think we tend to forget that little boys have no framework for their penis being a sexual object, so there’s no reason for us to be disgusted by their actions. It’s perfectly natural.

I mean, what has our society been reduced to? It STRONGLY discourages boys from doing things like playing Pee Pee Light Sabers but encourages them to paint their fingernails or dress up like girls! Nowadays society even encourages boys to sit down when they pee in order to avoid making messes. (If I could insert a curse word here, I would.)

Why can´t we just let our little boys be boys? Let them turn their sandwiches into guns at the dinner table, ride their bikes without helmets, and play Pee Pee Swords with their daddies. Let them make messes – as long as they clean them up – let them sweat, and let ’em bleed!

I may have cried a little when my socks got wet (still do to this day), but I was able to change them, and I got a war story of my own to tell. Every little boy likes to tell war stories. That is what they do, they are boys. God made them that way, so who are we to try and change them?

Finally, as in all things regarding parenthood, just use your better judgment. You know how silly boys can be and how they tend to get carried away. Just let them know that if they splitter and splatter, they need to clean up the matter.

What do you think?  Take a moment and sound off below about Pee Pee Light Sabers or society trying to turn our boys into girls, and let me know if you agree or disagree. I´d love to get your perspective.

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D.T. Carter writes about what he is living while translating that into stories for boys and blog post. He has been married since 2003 to Carolina. Together they have two boys and a girl. His writing strives to be Christ-centered and help all parents instill in boys a love for being boys who will one day become strong men.

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